What is Urodynamic Testing?
The testing is a sophisticated way of recording and analyzing function of the low urinary tract – bladder and urethra. It usually involves simultaneous measurements of pressures in the bladder, rectum, urinary flow, and electrical activity of the pelvic floor muscles. It allows the doctor to make the diagnosis more accurately and to recommend treatment that would better fit to the patient individual situation.
How to prepare for the test?
Make sure to discuss your current medications with the doctor, particularly any blood thinning drugs, such as aspirin, Plavix, Pleatal, Aggrenox, Coumadin, warfarin. The doctor will tell you if any change to your regular medication schedule should be made. No dietary restriction before the test is necessary. You might drive yourself to and from the test.
What to expect during the test?
The test involves placement of a thin catheter into the bladder through the urethra, a pressure sensor into the rectum, and application of patch electrodes to the skin of the perineum. During the test, water is infused into the bladder. As the bladder is gradually distended, the doctor will ask you when the FIRST SENSATION of bladder distention occurs, FIRST DESIRE to urinate, STRONG DESIRE to urinate is felt. The doctor may ask the strain and called during the test in order to determine the degree of leakage with increased intra-abdominal pressure. As the bladder reaches full CAPACITY, infusion of water will be stopped and the patient is asked to urinate. Sensors record pressures and urinary flow rate simultaneously. The results of the test are usually available soon after the test and the doctor will discuss the findings in treatment plan at the end of the visit.